Robert Lambert: Unique Artisan Specialties

"You may hate fruitcakes, but somebody loves them, and this one hand-made by Robert Lambert is the baking-spice spicy Cadillac version of the American style. A thorough list of ingredients yields complex, long-lasting flavors. Nothing else we've tasted comes anywhere close. A 1-pound (ours was generously overweight) dark-fruit fruitcake is $75 plus shipping. Serve at room temperature." - The Art of Eating

"I don't believe there's any producer of anything in America that takes as much care and has as much skill coupled with such a brilliant, sensitive imagination! I wish I could afford to give a large box of the marmalades and cakes to everyone I know! They're just stunning. With deepest gratitude for the incredible quality and ongoing evolution of what you make!" - DM, customer, NYC

O Magazine ("Favorite Things" issue 2015): "The Champagne of Fruitcakes"

"... Specifically, try the fruitcakes from California chef Robert Lambert. He makes use of top-quality nuts and fruits - golden raisins from one boutique California grower, an ancient variety of dates from another - that he candies or soaks in specially selected spirits himself." - Wall Street Journal

"California-based Robert Lambert, a one-man gourmet empire. He also makes a mean chocolate fruitcake ." - Market Watch

"In among his pear ginger jam, cranberry orange jam, Meyer lemon lime marmalade and four orange chocolate fruitcake are ingredients like fresh bergamot, Japanese yuzu lime, Celebes papeda - 'citrus and flowers others don't have access to or rarely use." - San Francisco Chronicle

"... Lambert's extraordinary one-of-a-kind indulgences are sure to impress even the most diehard foodies on your gift list." - Huffington Post

Robert Lambert Peach Jam

Explore My Recipe Videos...

The Robert Lambert Brand: Affordable Luxury

How to Make Lattice Topped Blueberry Pie

How to Make Chocolate Mousse Pie

How to Make Gourmet Vanilla Truffle Hot Chocolate

How to Make & Arrange Special Cheese Platters

How to Make a Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cheese Tart

How to Make Cranberry Orange Relish

How to Make Fit For Royalty: Grilled Cheese

How to Make Blueberry Mascarpone Cheesecake

How to Make Raspberry Champagne Swirl Ice Cream

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Of special interest:

Spiced Crab Apples $35.00
Blackberry Orange Jam $22.00
Five Lime Marmalade $22.00

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